Gabriel Sully Gabriel Sully

Over & Over.

The Same Thing Repeatedly.

I keep on pumping this blood through a body. Beat after beat it goes on.

I keep breathing this air, moving the energy. Breath after breath it goes on.

I keep eating this world, fueling this form. Bite after bite it goes on.

I keep thinking these thoughts, moment by moment it goes on.

The same thing again and again, yet everything continues to change. Life never stays static, yet the cycles carry on. Novelty eternal in a stagnant pond.

The same old lungs sing a brand new song.

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Gabriel Sully Gabriel Sully

Angle of Refraction

It's about how you look at things.

Some things are only visible in the right light, seen from the angle that’s just right.

There’s a world that’s too bright.

We really do need the night.

Do you see me, can I see you?

Is this just the gleams and reflections of a context?

There’s so much that defines our sight.

There’s so much that shows what’s true.

Are we all simply reflecting and expressing the same light?

Look to the gleams, the glitters and glints.

See a shine that is only there for that moment in time.

Notice that twinkling, that winking.

That moment where the light catches your eye.

See the shine, let out a sigh.

That’s a gift to you in this moment in time.

You’ll see it again and again, a twinkling rhyme.

Take a moment and know that this is a sign.

If you have the heart to take the time.

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Gabriel Sully Gabriel Sully


The rare beauty of the Sun’s radiance as seen through shadow.

In each moment we look upon the universe through the filters of mind.

In the blotted out truth there lies a unique and beautiful moment.

Every sensory delight is an expression of the divine nature of being.

In everything there is a keyhole that you can unlock.

Living in the shadows, you will see the light fantastic.

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Gabriel Sully Gabriel Sully

Leave a Mark.

Erom dear.

In life there seems to be such a strange need in us. A need to create change, to alter, to distort.

It screams out, so loud. I know I feel it.

So many voices tell you not to dare to do it.

So many voices beg you to.

To put forth into the materium a part of yourself.

To subject pieces of what’s true through the eyes you look, the senses you have, into form.

It takes vulnerability. It takes bravery.

You’re going to get hurt.

And you may well be the cause of hurt.

But you’ll leave something behind, and you might find satisfaction.

Some will see you.

Others will not.

You will be feared, and loved.

And with your act, you will find satisfaction.

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Gabriel Sully Gabriel Sully


Are you reading this? Wow thanks for your time.

So you’ve come here. Bold of you.

Do you even know what you’re approaching?

This is but the seed of a very confusing tree. Fruit that changes. Pollen that you’re not quite allergic to, but it’s doing something to you.

It’s not going to stop growing.

It’s going to spread.

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