Angle of Refraction
Some things are only visible in the right light, seen from the angle that’s just right.
There’s a world that’s too bright.
We really do need the night.
Do you see me, can I see you?
Is this just the gleams and reflections of a context?
There’s so much that defines our sight.
There’s so much that shows what’s true.
Are we all simply reflecting and expressing the same light?
Look to the gleams, the glitters and glints.
See a shine that is only there for that moment in time.
Notice that twinkling, that winking.
That moment where the light catches your eye.
See the shine, let out a sigh.
That’s a gift to you in this moment in time.
You’ll see it again and again, a twinkling rhyme.
Take a moment and know that this is a sign.
If you have the heart to take the time.